Colonoscopy help from Homeopathy...

So you are going to get a colonoscopy or even just a rectal exam. You are not exactly looking forward to this procedure…how can homeopathy help?

First, you may be suffering from some anxiety about having this particular procedure done. The most common homeopathic remedy to consider for anticipatory anxiety before an examination is:

  • Gelsemium 30c 1 dose the night before the procedure and 1 dose the morning of the procedure. And it is completely safe to take homeopathics before, during and after any of these sorts of procedures, even when your doctors office warns you to stop all supplements. Homeopathic remedies are not herbs and they are not supplements and they in no way interfere with conventional allopathic procedures or drugs.

Second, you will be asked to use some sort of colon purge to clean out your colon. After the colonoscopy or rectal exam you may need to use a probiotic to re-establish good flora in your gut. If that is not enough help, try homeopathic:

  • Aloe vera 30c 1 dose daily for 3 to 5 days to facilitate bowel equilibrium. The indications that you need this particular homeopathic remedy are: loose jelly-like stool that can accidentally slip out if you pass gas.

Third, for a colonoscopy anyway, you may be given a sedative or a light memory blocking medication. If you have problems recovering from these sorts of drugs, problems like feeling spacey or disoriented or too sleepy later on, you might benefit from either:

  • Nux vomica 30c 1 dose every 3 hours for up to 12 hours after the procedure. The indications that you need this particular homeopathic remedy are: feeling hung over, heavy, thick, nauseated and irritable.

  • Phosphorus 30c 1 dose every 3 hours for up to 12 hours after the procedure. The indications that you need this particular homeopathic remedy are: feeling spacey, feeling nauseated every time you try to drink enough fluids to flush out your system, and clumsiness.

  • There are other more specific remedies for recovering from conventional allopathic drug reactions; please consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner.

Fourth, there is the problem of the anal sphincter dilation so that the good doctor can insert instruments and take a look around. That dilation of your anal sphincter muscles can leave you feeling sore and strained after the procedure. The top two homeopathic remedies to consider for this ‘injury’ are:

  • Rhus toxicodendron 30c 1 dose 3 times per day for 1 to 3 days. The indications that you need this particular homeopathic remedy are: a strained sensation of the anal region, worse from passing a large amount of stool but better from passing some stool; better from a hot sitz bath.

  • Staphysagria 30c 1 dose 3 times per day for 1 to 3 days. The indications that you need this particular homeopathic remedy are: a sensation that the anal region has been lacerated, ripped, torn….as if you have been raped. If you have suffered sexual battery in your past, be sure to share that history with your care provider so that extra gentle care can be taken.

Finally the results you get from your doctor may indicate that you need a serious upgrade of your health and of your gut. Homeopathy can certainly address colon polyps, colitis, diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, IBS and much much more.  Let me know how I can help you.

First published 25 June 2012

Lynn Amara