What Can Be Treated?
While I specialize in complex health issues, I regularly help people with:
Autoimmune syndromes like endometriosis, thyroid issues, MS, and lupus
Cancer survival
Menopausal issues
Chronic pain
Skin issues
Detox from the side effects of vaccinations and conventional medications
Detox from heavy metal poisoning
Long Covid
And many more conditions
Why Homeopathic Care?
People often come to me after conventional Western medicine has not resolved the source of their health challenges. Many have gone from practitioner to practitioner searching for a greater sense of relief.
Lynn Amara CCH
Recently a long time patient asked me, “Lynn, why are you still practicing homeopathy after 33 years?” My deepest answer is that I love to solve mysteries. I love all those crime procedural shows and old detective work; they are my indulgence after a long day. As a kid I wanted to BE Sherlock Holmes, I wanted to dig that deep.
Now you bring me some of the most intriguing medical mysteries. Some patients even ask me if I am overwhelmed by everything they have told me and secretly I want to tell them that yes this is going to be work, but I love doing this work for you. I want to tell them that I am so glad they have found their way to me because I have the passion to dive in and sort things out. I have the calmness of spirit to listen fully to the depth of your suffering and to approach your challenges with dedication and resolve.
Practicing homeopathy engages every interest I have, in science, in psychology, in dreams, and mythology, in the human body and pathology, all so that I can begin to nudge the pieces of your puzzle back together, towards health, towards wholeness of body and peace of mind.
We can do this, you and I, we go together.