Frequently asked questions about homeopathy #3

So the question is, when using homeopathic medicine, what body products can I use? Am I using body care products that could harm my health?

One assumption that we all make is that if we put something on our skin, whether it is an ointment or a lotion or a shampoo or anything really, we assume it does not go into our blood stream. It does. That is how those transdermal nicotine patches and estrogen patches work. Some things cross the skin barrier more easily, but with repeated use we push the body to cope with the toxicities we expose it to.

Even more bad news is that your hair and nails are MORE POROUS than your skin!

This article about what ingredients Johnson & Johnson is REMOVING from it's baby care products ( only underscores my belief that:

  • if it is safe enough for children it might be safe enough for adults!

The USA is way behind Europe on removing harmful ingredients from cosmetics, lotions, dental care, soaps and shampoos, and all manner of daily use items.

This is my list to avoid in body care products:

  • Petroleum. Anything that is a petroleum product or petroleum derivative, including mineral oil and Vaseline. Why? Petroleum products are xenoestrogens. That means they interfere with your natural hormones. They are endocrine disruptors. Not good folks, not good.

  • Corticosteroids. Again an endocrine disruptor. Yes it stops the pain or an itch, but at what cost?

  • Parabens

  • Phthathates

  • Formaldehyde

  • Artificial colors: this definitely includes hair dyes and finger nail polish

  • Tea tree oil, other strong oils and synthetic fragrances. Synthetic fragrances are once again petroleum distillates.

  • Anti anything. That includes antibiotics and antifungals like triclosan.

First published 13 May 2013

Lynn Amara